This Addendum is made on this ___day of___, 20__.
1. Mr. /Mrs./Ms. _____ _____, ___ years of age, a Thai national, carrying ID card No. _______, residing at __, ______ Sub-district, _____ District, ____________ Province, Thailand (the “Lessor”), and;
2. Mr./Mrs./Ms. _____ _____, _ years of age, an ___ national holding a ____ passport with No. ______, currently residing at ______________ (the “Lessee”).
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(a) The Lessor and the Lessee have entered into Land Lease Agreement, dated as of the __ day of ___, 20__ (the “Lease Agreement”).
(b) The Lessor and the Lessee have agreed the right of the Lessee to transfer the leased land to a freehold title upon full payment of rent under clause 2 and full payment of the rent for renewal term under clause 3.2 of the Lease Agreement.
Except as otherwise defined herein and except where the context requires otherwise, all words and expressions used herein shall have the same respective meanings with those defined in the Lease Agreement.
As a special condition to the lease agreement:
1. Upon full payment of the Rent under clause 2 and early payment of the full Rent under clause 3.3 for the renewal term under clause 3.2 of the Lease Agreement the Lessee shall have the right to upgrade the leasehold title to the Land to a freehold title without any further payments by giving written notice to the Lessor.
The Lessee hereby exercises his right to renew the Lease Agreement under clause 3.2 of the Lease Agreement and shall pay to the Lessor before the Registration Date of the Lease Agreement ____ Baht (____ ____ Hundred ____ ______ Thousand baht), the full Rent under clause 3.3 of the Lease Agreement for the 30 year renewal term.
3. The Lessor hereby confirms receipt of _____ Baht (____ ______ Hundred ____ ______ Thousand baht) paid by the Lessee on the signing date of this addendum to the Lease Agreement and acknowledge the freehold rights of the Lessee to the leased Land. Subject to serving a written notice, at any time prior to the expiration of the lease term under clause 3.1 of the Lease Agreement, the Lessor agrees and warrants to unconditionally co-operate and render any and all necessary assistance to enable transfer of ownership of the Land to a Thai natural or juristic person of the Lessee’s choice or alternatively to the Lessee’s name should this become permissible under Thai law.
4. On the Registration Date of the Lease Agreement the owner (Lessor) shall provide the original owner’s land title deed to the Lessee and the Lessee shall keep the land title deed in pledge.
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This addendum has a total of 11 clauses.................................