Thai sublease agreement for office

Do you need a sublease agreement for an office space/lot, or is a sublet contract a breach any of the rental contract by the renant and do i need a new rental and execute a new office lease with sub-tenant...
Asked 10 years ago

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Subrent section 544 civil and commercial code

When you sublet, as opposed to lease assignment, your office lease contract with the owner remains fully binding upon you.

  1. You cannot breach any of the terms in your rental contract, say by giving more rights or allowing your sub tenant to do more than you are allowed under your own office lease. You remain responsible and you cannot give away more than you have yourself.
  2. Your lease must allow sublet, otherwise you are in breach of your lease contract and the landlord could terminated your lease pursuant section 544 civil and commercial code.
  3. You have to execute a new office (sub-)rental agreement with the (sub-)tenant.

Section 544 civil and commercial code: 'Unless otherwise provided by the lease contract, a tenant cannot sublet or transfer his rights in the whole or part of the property hired to a third person'.
If the tenant (lessee) fails to comply with this provision the landlord/ lessor may terminate the lease contract.

มาตรา 544 ทรัพย์สินซึ่งเช่านั้น ผู้เช่าจะให้เช่าช่วงหรือโอนสิทธิของตนอันมีใน ทรัพย์สินนั้นไม่ว่าทั้งหมดหรือแต่บางส่วนให้แก่บุคคลภายนอก ท่านว่าหาอาจทำได้ไม่ เว้นแต่ จะได้ตกลงกันไว้เป็นอย่างอื่นในสัญญาเช่า
ถ้าผู้เช่าประพฤติฝ่าฝืนบทบัญญัติอันนี้ ผู้ให้เช่าจะบอกเลิกสัญญาเสียก็ได้
Answered 10 years ago

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